HBSF provides support to collegiate shooters competing in national and international clay target events.
Support is furnished through grants, geared towards offsetting the increasingly high costs of competitive shooting. Our intent is to provide recipients with greater opportunities to hone their skills, maintain proficiency throughout the year, and compete at venues that might otherwise be out of reach.
"HBSF would have given me the ability to practice more and attend more competitions both as an individual and as a team member... having more resources to offset the costs of competition."
— Mimi Wilfong, former Texas A&M competitor & national champion and HBSF Board Director
Electronic Donations
The HBSF accepts credit card donations via the PayPal electronic payment service.
Payments through all major credit cards are accepted (MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and Discover).
Making an electronic contribution is quick and easy; we have provided fixed donation amounts in the form above, along with the option of making a donation in other amounts. Following your selection, click the "DONATE NOW" button; you'll go to a secure PayPal page where you can confirm the donation amount, enter your address & credit card information, and either finalize the payment or cancel it.
Donors have the option of printing the PayPal page for their records. Additional proof of your donation (for tax purposes) is provided in your credit card statement.
At the conclusion of the transaction — whether completed or cancelled — you will be returned to the HBSF web site.
Donations by Check
The HBSF also accepts donations by check. If you would rather make a donation by check, please send your contribution to the following address...
7750 N. MacArthur Blvd., Ste. 120-324
Irving, TX 75063
Proof of your donation (for tax purposes) will be provided.
The Higgins Branchini Shooting Foundation (HBSF) is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. It is dependent on your generous donations. All donations are considered a charitable deduction. We will report back annually to all donors on the outcome of our foundation giving; how many grant recipients, how much money distributed, success of the shooters and so on. All donors will receive a letter recognizing your gift, which can then be used as a recognized income tax deduction.